Evaluations on Pre production
First of all for my pre production i started with my initial ideas this was because i had to layout the basic idea for my film i did this by writing my idea on a word document i believed this was important because in the film industry the initial ideas is extremely important because its the first thing that should be shown at a film pitch as it shows potential investors the idea and plot of your film it also gives them a brief idea who could possibly be the target audience. I created a small paragraph of what my film is about and believed that this was successfully done as it gives the reader a brief view of my film and tells them the information that they need to know After my initial ideas i done the proposal my proposal consisted of some lines describing what was important to the film such as the synopsis this is just another brief overview of the however this time i included what genre it was going to be and why i choose this genre i did this because i wanted to give the viewer a...