
Showing posts from January, 2020

Outline Budget

Outline budget from MatthewCoates18 here is my outline budget this is crucial to the pre production as a filmmaker you must consider what you need to buy for your film and how much it will cost this will range from props to food and travel if these aren't considered it can negatively impact your product you must also think if you need to pay for any equipment. The college will source me most of the equipment to use for my production and i will only have to gather a small amount of the equipment my self  

Resource List

Resource list from MatthewCoates18 here is my resource lost this is required for pre production to show what equipment i am going to need to make my movie. it is important to have a resource list because it insures that you have all the the equipment you need and you don't forget anything during filming. 

Personnel List

Personnel list from MatthewCoates18 Here is my personnel list this is for my short movie its helpful as it shows that i have my cast and crew sorted and how i can reach them if needed its required for pre production incase contact is needed 

Learning Aim A

Media campaign research (the irishman) from MatthewCoates18

Location Release

Location Release 1 from MatthewCoates18 Location release 2 from MatthewCoates18 Here is my location release the location release is important to your pre production as its your main piece of paperwork that insures that you can film on your locations that you have chosen this is because the location release is the permission form to show you have the right permission to film on these locations  


Story board 1 from MatthewCoates18 story board 2 from MatthewCoates18 Storyboard 3 from MatthewCoates18 Storyboard 4 from MatthewCoates18 here is my storyboard this is to give a brief idea about my film the scenes and how it could be shot this is important to pre production so you can visualize the scene and get a clear look at how your film is going to be made i believe these are helpful as these can be easily identified and tell a lot about a film 

Location Scouting

Location Scouting from MatthewCoates18 Location Scouting from MatthewCoates18 Location Scouting sheet 4 from MatthewCoates18 Location Scouting sheet 1 from MatthewCoates18 Here are my location scouting sheets for my short movie i have done these to show where i ma  going to be filming and why i have chosen these specific location. 

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment 1 from MatthewCoates18 Risk assessment 2 from MatthewCoates18 Here are my risk assessments i have done these to spot potential dangers during production and how to make them as less of a risk this is crucial when making a film because you must make sure that your cast and crew are safe and if you are filming in public you must make sure the public are safe.

Script Mr Gladstone:Unfunny Man (Master Scene Script)

Script mr gladstone the unfunny man from MatthewCoates18 Here is my master scene script i have made this for my short movie the script its self is a part of a the thriller genre because it has suspense in it and it follows some of the convention of the genre


Proposal For film from MatthewCoates18 Here is my proposal the overview of my film i have done this to give a brief idea of what my film is going to be about and why i am doing this specific genre  

Initial ideas

Initial ideas for film from MatthewCoates18 Here is my initial ideas that i came up with for my short film i have done this to show off my ideas.

Learning Aim B and C

Gaming magazine research from MatthewCoates18

Digital Magazine

Here is my screen recording to show my digital magazine