
Showing posts from October, 2019

Short film

for our video task i was tasked to produce a short film and do continuity editing as a team first of all we got ourselves sorted into teams of 4 including me dan travis and clayton we then decided what roles all of us would be doing because we found out thats its easier and work can be done more efficiently i was directing and done cinematography because i prefer directing and i believe its what im strongest at and i wanted to improve with my cinematography Dan was tasked with cinematographer and editor this was because he was strongest at doing these tasks and travis and clayton were both actors as these volunteered for this specific role we set out to complete this by using editing techniques like shot reverse shot and cuts when needed to the impact of using this was beneficial for all of us we learned professional filming shots and the effect was interesting as we took the best shots and inserted them into the final product we had a few problems when it came to making the film whe...

Learning Aim A

Magazine assignment from MatthewCoates18 Distribution (Digital) Mobe and Epub are your options for digital disruption however there are many technical issues with these that many platforms don't support them and others like they can limit your design possibly resulting in fewer sales and a smaller profit resulting in profit loss and possible audience engagement Disruption (Print) With Print the sales are in decline and they must meet a certain standard for the audience to be interested in buying a print magazine creators must consider formatting texts and layouts to be ideal there are several sizes for instance you have a5 handbag or there is a4 traditional some magazines produce both and this would impact on the layout and design as well as the content and positioning of the bleed lines.          

Assessment task

Here is my assessment task